Digikam upload to Picasaweb

I d’like to use Digikam as my Photoapplication, but I like also Google’s Picasaweb. and so I search the possibility to upload Photos from Digikam to Picasawebhttp://www.oliver-schaef.de/blog/index.php/2007/07/12/bilder-schlacht-mit-ubuntu-digikam-und-so/#comments http://svilen-online.blogspot.com/2007/08/upload-digikam-photos-to-picasa-web.htmlhttp://www.johnstowers.co.nz/blog/index.php/2007/09/03/expanding-the-sync-space/ http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=143978 http://wanted.eu.org/en/computers/linux/uploading_photos_to_picasaweb

New Panorama Software

As you see, my Panoramas are not so good. I find now a Software which is very good –> Panorama Studio. I will replace all Panoramas in the next week’s

OpenVPN on Pfsense installed

To enhanced support I enable the OpenVPN Server on my Pfsense Firewall, it’s really easy. Only remember to reboot the Firewall, I can’t enable it online. –> http://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/VPN_Capability_OpenVPN

New PC orderd

My current DELL 4600 is so extrem slow, because I try me now with Videoediting ( Adobe Premiere Elements 3 ). I saw a special Deal at Dell for a Dimension 9200 and I orderd a complet one with a 24 Zoll Monitor. Should arrive at 18. September.